Wednesday, May 7, 2008


The basic syntax is as follows:

You can use any of the following commands:

  • Zmanim - Provides requested Zmanim. You don't actually need to type the word "Zmanim" - if your message does not begin with any of the commands listed below the bot will assume you entered a location. Any of the following formats can be used in requesting Zmanim:
    • Just enter a location. (Example: "New york") This will give a standard set of Zmanim for today.
    • Location and date separated by colons. (Example: "New york: tomorrow" or "New york:4/16/2008")
    • Location and specific zmanim separated by colons. (Example: "New York: sunrise, earliest mincha")
    • Location, date, and zmanim separated by colons. (Example: "New york: tomorrow: candlelighting" or "New york: candlelighting: April 25")
Note that in all cases, the location must be the first thing entered (other than the word Zmanim, if you're using it).
  • Help - Gives information on the available commands.
  • Map - Gives a link to a map of the location, with bearing to Yerushalayim calculated two different ways. This is courtesy of KosherJava.
    Usage: "map location"
  • List - Provides a list of all the Zmanim supported by ZmanimBot.
  • Comment - Sends a message to the people running the bot.
  • Credits - Gives basic information on the creators of ZmanimBot and what it is built on.

1 comment:

MYG said...

Welcome to Blogger!